Dragon Ball Multiverse Wiki

Universe 4 - Make a wish is the sixty-seventh chapter of the Dragon Ball Multiverse series.


In Age 778, one of the many parts of Buu was within his palace and gave the ability to grant one wish in exchange for killing you if it wasn't satisfactory in his perception. As various aliens waited in line, Hoi patiently waits before Gorkor the Great attempts to force his way forward. As he is easily killed from a lightning bolt produced by Buu, As hours pass and Hoi hears various people get killed for selecting wishes that Buu dislikes, Videl is sent back to Earth when her plea to get back Gohan and the others falls on deaf ears.

When Hoi finally gets before Buu, he pleads to have the music box opened since a 'great hero is trapped within. Finding his white lie amusing, Buu uses his magic to open it. As Tapion is released, Hoi uses his magic to help summon the top half of Hildegan, much to Buu's amusement. Being whole once again, Hildegan begins to go on a rampage, but Buu protects everyone with a force field as Tapion fails to reseal Hildegan back inside him. After studying Hildegan for a bit, Buu becomes displeased that the behemoth is too a creature of magic that was created by small sorcerers of ill intentions. Feeling empathy for Hildegan after hearing it deepest wishes, Buu uses his magic to turn him back into a idol statue, much to Hoi's chagrin. Tapion then uses the opportunity to cut down Hoi for good.

As Buu uses his magic to repair the building, Tapion meets Buu to request Minosha to be brought back to life. As Buu made it happen, both brothers walked away happy. After granting about one million wishes, Buu eventually got bored and stopped his practice.


  • Buu's palace heavily resembles the building structures that predominately populate in the Arab world in real life.